

All packages are shipped by Canada Post from our warehouse in Vancouver, British Columbia and we offer the following shipping options:

Service Shipping Time Order Value Before Taxes Shipping Charge

2 to 9 days - major cities
2-12 days - non-major cities
8-13 days - remote locations
Less than $75 before taxes $8
2 to 9 days - major cities
2-12 days - non-major cities
8-13 days - remote locations
$75 or more before taxes Free
1 to 7 days - major cities
1-11 days - non-major cities
6-13 days - remote locations
Any Value
Up to 8 days
Any Value

P.O. Boxes, rural, remote areas, and Territories may take additional days. 

Orders placed Monday through Friday by 12 PM PST will be shipped the same day. Orders placed Monday through Friday after 12 PM PST will be shipped the following business day. All orders placed on weekends and holidays will be shipped the following business day. During busy periods such as sales and holidays, additional processing time may be required.

All orders are subject to credit authentication. 

Orders shipped via Express and Priority shipping must be placed Monday through Friday by 12 PM PST in order to be shipped the same day. If they are received after 12 PM PST, they will be shipped the following business day.


The total time it takes to receive your order is the sum of processing time (payment authentication and packing) and shipping time (the time it takes for your order to go from our warehouse to your shipping address).

Our warehouse is closed on evenings, weekends and holidays, so only orders placed on Monday through Friday by 12 PM PST will be processed the same day. Orders placed at all other times will be processed and shipped out the following business day. During sale and holiday periods, processing time may increase due to very high order volumes.

Orders with customized items, including maternity panels and hemming, require additional processing time. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing these orders. 


You may only ship to one address per order. Please place separate orders for items that require shipping to more than one location.


We do not charge duties as all orders are shipped within Canada to Canadian addresses. Taxes applied to orders are determined by the province or territory of the shipping address. 


Once you have placed an order, you can check its status at any time by logging into your account and going to your Order History page. Here you will be able to see your full order history and your tracking number.

Once your order has shipped, you can check the shipment progress of it by checking your Order History, or by referring to the shipment confirmation email you received and clicking on the tracking number. It may take up to 24 hours for your tracking number to be activated on the Canada Post website.


Please visit one of our international sites for orders outside of Canada:


